Wellness Seedlings

Cultivating an

Attitude of Gratitude

New Groups Starting Soon!

The brain is like Velcro for negative experiences, but Teflon for positive ones – Rick Hanson

Evolution has hardwired us for a negativity bias that has kept us safe. But it also keeps us from noticing the beauty in our lives and enjoying the little moments of joy and peace that are always occuring, if only we pause to notice them. There’s so much research to show the immense positive impact that practising gratitude can have on our lives. 

In this group:

  • We’ll actively train our minds for 21 days to notice the things we love and appreciate, no matter how big or small. 
  • Each day, we’ll send a message to our group about 3 things we are grateful for. 
  • The WhatsApp group chat will have about 5-8 members so we can share this experience with others, without being overwhelmed by messages. 
  • A new group will start as soon as we have enough participants.

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