Wellness Seedlings

Support & Learning


New Groups Starting Soon!

Sneha Venkatesh Yelimeli

I’m a software engineer and I’m passionate about hosting support groups around topics of health and wellbeing. Having gone through several health challenges over many years, I am deeply interested in lifestyle based self-care methods for good health and wellbeing. Over the last year I have hosted several support groups around topics I really care about. I eventually hope to create a vibrant community with support and learning groups around various important topics (like coping with chronic pain, building new habits, dealing with depression, practicing mindfulness etc.), led by volunteers who strongly care about the topic and leveraging excellent resources created by experts on that subject. I hope that this work will help me heal my own trauma and remember these experiences as something that helped many of us learn and grow.

If you’d like to support me and you’re interested in future groups, please join my mailing list below. You can also reach out to me over email or social media to generally connect or even share any topics for future groups.

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